Survey Results

Survey Results 

After conducting the survey, my classmates answered my questions and have chosen what they would like to see for my garden magazine.

For my first question about my magazine, I asked them if they were interested in gardening and if they would pursue it as a hobby. 33.3% of people choose no while 66.7% choose yes. 
The purpose of the second question is to see how many of my classmates are interested in gardening. 66.7% of people choose maybe, 13.7% choose no, and 20% choose yes.

The next questions were about their age and gender. These types of questions help me form a target group for my magazine. 53.3% of my classmates are 17, 26.7% of my classmates are 18, and 20% of my classmates are 16. Then 53.3% of my classmates are female, 40% are male, and 6.7 % prefer to not say.

The following questions are about what they would like to see in my garden magazines. For example, the articles they would like to see as well as the option to add an article. The next question is about the color scheme they would like me to use for my magazine.

These questions refer to what the title/masthead of my magazine should be. The next question asks them if they prefer to have the title in multiple different colors or if they prefer to have it as one singular color.

Afterwards I asked them what font they would prefer for the masthead. As well as what type of picture they would prefer for the cover page.

The final questions were about, if I should write my articles informally, formally, or a mix of both. The final question is asking for anything they would like to see in my magazine. This helps bring ideas for different articles in my magazine.

Now that I have the results of my survey I will analyze my results and create an outline for my magazine. I will also be making decisions about my magazine with these results.These decisions can change over time to better suit my idea of what I want for my garden magazine. 


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